Important Clergy News

“Call for Conscience Campaign in Ontario”

Cardinal Collins and the Ontario bishops are asking all the dioceses of Ontario to participate in a call to action campaign called: “Call for Conscience Campaign”. This is a request that parishioners sign into a website and in turn send a letter to their MPP calling on the Ontario Government to respect the conscience rights of physicians and health care workers who wish to exclude themselves from MAID or physician assisted death.Our participation will take place on the weekend of February 3-4, or 10-11, 2018. We are requesting a clear announcement in the bulletin noting the website information for people, along with an announcement by the priest from the pulpit, to encourage participation.

Sample Bulletin Announcement:

“Call for Conscience Campaign”. The Catholic bishops of Ontario are asking parishioners to express their concern to the Ontario government about the need to respect the conscience rights of physicians and health care workers to not participate in MAID. Please go to this website to send a letter to your local MPP and express your concern and support for these doctors and health care workers. – – Thank you for your support on this important topic.

Please download the above document. Clergy News – Call For Conscience

For more information about this campaign see our other post titled the Conscience Campaign and Health Care Workers and sample letter.