These Beautiful Bones

It was Blessed John Paul II’s greatest gift to the Church: the theology of the body. A window into who we are as children of God, made in His image and likeness. With both humor and practical wisdom, These Beautiful Bones sheds light on what the theology of the body has to say about the everyday moments of life, helping you discover how to let grace enter into those moments and make of them something extraordinary (taken from the bookcover).
I LOVE this book…it changed my life!
Reading These Beautiful Bones made me question many things in my life, including the use of social media and technology. I have been living a life “submerged in the culture of distraction,” spending way too many hours tied to a computer or a phone. I have been tempted and fallen prey to checking “likes” on Instagram, stories on Facebook, binge watching Gilmore Girls. These activities clouded my mind and ate away hours in my day. Emily Stimpson challenges us to reflect on Saint John Paul II’s question regarding media technology, “Does this progress, which has man for its author and promoter, make human life on earth ‘more human’ in every aspect of that life? Does it make it more ‘worthy of man?’” When the answers are positive, media can serve the human community, bring people together, spread truth, and exhibit beauty. When the answers are negative and people are isolated, hurt, or objectified, then the human community is harmed.
I made the choice to delete the social media apps from my phone. I now have much more time to pick up a book, say a rosary, pray, meditate. I have no regrets!
These Beautiful Bones shows us how to let the whole of our lives reflect the faith we profess. My daughter has struggled with an eating disorder for three years. This book, by the grace of God, helped her on the path to recovery by discussing Saint John Paul II’s teaching that there is a “moral imperative to care for the body’s good, for the good that corresponds to its dignity.” For this I am eternally grateful.