The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Becoming A Catholic
Most adult Catholics were baptized as infants, spent their childhood in a Catholic home and many received their education through the Catholic school system. These people were gradually initiated into the full life of the Church through the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Some adults who were baptized in a Christian Church that is non-Catholic have become Roman Catholics after making a solemn profession of faith, being confirmed and sharing in the Eucharist with the Roman Catholic community. Other adults, whom have never been baptized, now desire to be part of the Roman Catholic Tradition.
The Roman Catholic Church welcomes new members. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a process for initiating new members through a gradual spiritual formation process. The goal of R.C.I.A. is to foster or deepen one’s personal conversion to Jesus Christ, to live the gospel proclaimed by Jesus, and to celebrate the Catholic way of life as part of a parish community.
The process incorporates the preaching and teaching of the gospel, prayer, spiritual direction and catechesis (handing on the tradition of the Church). Besides instruction in the Faith, the R.C.I.A. aims at changing the heart and transforming the spirit of those undergoing the process, as well as the whole parish community. Members of the parish share their faith by acting as sponsors and companions for those seeking membership in the Catholic community. There are liturgical celebrations or rites that are celebrated throughout the journey to mark the candidate’s spiritual growth and to visibly express the parish’s support. The process of initiation depends upon the need of the individual. Most spend 8 months in preparation before receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). Regardless of the amount of time taken to prepare, initiation into the Church is usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil each year, or during the Easter season.
Anyone who would like more information on becoming a Roman Catholic can contact the Catholic Parish nearest to his or her home. You can also call the Catholic Pastoral Centre at 807-343-9313 for assistance.
Prayer for RCIA
Lord, eternal source of light, justice and truth,
take me under your tender care.
Give me a spirit of wisdom and understanding,
a spirit of right judgement and courage,
a spirit of knowledge and reverence,
so that, as I continue to seek you in my life,
I may be filled more and more with wonder
and awe for your goodness to me. Amen.