Cursillo Thunder Bay

About Cursillo

Cursillo Thunder Bay

The word Cursillo is a Spanish word that means “short course”. Cursillo Thunder Bay is a short course put on for lay Catholics by other lay Catholics assisted by a Priest and/or Deacon. However, often religious persons such as priests, deacons, sisters, brothers etc will also make a Cursillo weekend.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos Website

The Purpose of the Cursillo Movement is to bring the Good News that God loves us by the best means possible, friendship, to the best that is in each person. “The Cursillo in Christianity, is a Movement, that by means of its own method, attempts, from within the Church, to ensure that the realities of Christianity are brought to life in the uniqueness, the originality, and in the creativity of each person. From their deep conviction, their freedom finds the right direction and they discover their potential, accepting their limitations. Thus their will is strengthened, friendships are developed by virtue of their decision and perseverance in their daily, personal and community life”. Our goal is to work at Christianizing the environments one person at a time.

Secretariat Invite

An Open Letter to All Diocese of Thunder Bay Cursillistas

The Diocese of Thunder Bay Cursillo movement needs your help.  We need people to step up and fill some of the vacant roles on the Secretariat.

At this time the following positions require filling.

Lay Director:  Oversee the function of the Secretariat to ensure everyone involved has the support and tools needed to perform their roles.  Chair Secretariat meetings.  Represent the Thunder Bay movement at annual Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillo if they are available.

Write an annual report to the Bishop on the Cursillo activities taking place within the Diocese.  Solicit an annual donation from the Bishop to support Cursillo Weekends.

Secretary: The role of the secretary is to take minutes at monthly meetings.  To send out notice of upcoming Secretariat meetings and the agenda for those meetings.  Distribute notices of upcoming events such as Ultreyas.  Distribute the CCCC newsletter Fully Alive when it is published.

This position requires approximately 2 to 3 hrs work per month and the Secretariat does not meet in July or August.

Treasurer: The role of the treasurer is to keep track of the movement’s income and expenses and report on such at monthly meetings.

4th Day Chair: The role of the 4th Day Chair is to arrange Ultreyas.  Finding monthly witnesses (not necessarily on their own but with the support of all active cursillistas).  Ensuring the venue is open each month for the Ultreya (obtaining keys if necessary).  Ensuring that (with help) the venue is left in the state it was found prior to the Ultreya.


None of the above roles require a large time commitment and all of the roles are critical to the survival of the leadership (Secretariat) of the Diocese of Thunder Bay Cursillo. We need your support.  We need people to step up and keep the Secretariat functioning so Weekends can be arranged for all those who would benefit from living a Cursillo Weekend.

The Weekend is just the first step on a lifelong journey living as Christ would have us live by the best possible means loving friendship.  Ultreyas also depend on a functioning Secretariat.  It would be a terrible loss to the Diocese if Cursillo could no longer function due to lack of a Secretariat.

Please, please take time in prayer and ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit to discern if this is the path for you.  Please pray concerning all of the cursillistas you know to determine if you feel one of your friends might be the one to step up and this time of great need for the Thunder Bay movement.

Send email responses to; or phone 807-621-4468

De Colores

Prayer Line

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillo website has a box on the upper right hand side reading PRAYER LINE.  The prayer line is a place to ask for prayers for yourself, loved ones, friends, neighbours, or anything else you wish prayers for.  I have personally seen the power of prayer and the miracles that can occur through community prayer.

The prayer line can also send you the prayer requests, if you wish, so that you may also pray for those in need.  The prayer line is seen by Cursillistas all over the world, so there are a large number praying for the daily requests.  Yes the prayers are posted daily.

The email address for the Cursillo prayer line is simply;  (the lady who runs it is Yvonne and she lives on the west coast) You can send your prayer requests to that email or send a request to join those who pray daily.  We cannot help everyone with everything they may have going on in their lives but we can pray for them.

This is a powerful method of support for our Cursillista families and my wish is that we all make it one of our New Year’s resolutions to make use of and/or join in by requesting the daily emails.


Below is the most recent Cursillo application form.

Cursillo Weekend Application 2022-2024



FIRST Wednesday OF THE MONTH - 7:00 PM Corpus Christi Church (Middle Side Door and Downstairs)

  • July 03, 2024
  • August 07, 2024
  • September 04, 2024
  • October 02, 2024
  • November 06, 2024
  • December 04, 2024

Music, Faith Sharing and Fellowship


CCCB Bulletin - Fully Alive

September 2024

Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos Fully Alive September 2024 (93) PDF

It is a resource document that the Canadian Cursillo Movement publishes three to four times per year. It is an exciting read, and I encourage our Cursillistas to read it. They can always forward any questions to the Resource Centre, and they will answer them.

The email address for the Resource Centre is, or they can ask me, and I will pass it on. My email address is

February 22nd, 2024

Good day folks.

Below is the 2023 Bulletin. It is well worth the read, informative, strengthening and supportive, of the Cursillo experience, both individually and worldwide.

Canadian Conferene of Catholic Cursillos 2023 Bulletin - 92