Media Centre
The Monday Memo is a weekly digital publication distributed by the chancery receptionist and faxed to all parishes. This publication highlights events and notices from around our Diocese and Churches. The Monday Memo page includes current and past memos. See the Monday Memo page for submissions and deadlines.
Throughout the year public statements relating to our Diocese, the greater Church, and responses to events that affect all Catholics within Canada and the world. Bishop's written statements are available in this section.
The Media and Video Release section of this website holds a variety of information resources for Catholics, video messages from the Bishop and other general information. This page is not specific to any particular topic, but entails recent media from multiple departments.
The Diocese of Thunder Bay has had a latest news section of our website since its initial inception. All general and text based news related to our Diocese or the great Church can be found in this section. Some examples include, new book arrivals, major upcoming events, changes within the Diocese of Thunder Bay, and other informational tidbits.
The Diocesan Newsletter is a print and online publication distributed 4 times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.) The Newsletter focuses on what the priests and laity have been doing within our Diocese. Our chancery receptionist is responsible for receiving submissions and distribution.
The Diocesan Photo Gallery is available for public viewing. Photos from major Church events and mission based Catholic and Christian organizations can typically be found in here. We also welcome and consider all photo submissions from various Catholic events. Once a submitted photo is approved it will be uploaded to the photo gallery. The Photo Galleries section is organized by year and event.