Diocesan Ministries
The Office of Worship provides liturgical assistance to the bishop, promotes good liturgical practice, formation and education of the Catholic faithful as well as assisting and planning of liturgical celebrations for the bishop, liturgical ministers and parish liturgy committees.
A deacon is a clergyman who maintains close ties to the laity through his work and family life. His primary role in the Parish is to assist the Priest to animate the church’s ministry to those in need by working with his Pastor and the members of his Parish Community not by doing it all himself. The Permanent Diaconate Office provides assistance to ordained deacons, and to those seeking the Diaconate.
We are a resource for you, the members of the Diocese of Thunder Bay. The Youth Office is responsible for ministering to the youth of our diocese through the various parish and diocese wide activities.
The diocese of Thunder Bay has a range of diocesan policies gear towards priests, the religious, ministers, and laity. The policies are organized into three sub-categories that are, liturgical policies, sexual misconduct policies and general policies.