Catholic Pastoral Centre
The Pastoral Centre
About the Pastoral Centre
The Catholic Pastoral Centre (Chancery) is located in the city of Thunder Bay. It houses the Bishop's office, the Marriage Tribunal, St. Andrew's Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum office, the Adult Faith office and Resource Centre, the Office of Worship, the Youth Ministry office, the bookkeeping office, and Bishop's Diocesan Ministry Campaign, the Teens Encounter Christ (youth retreat program) office, the Diocesan Office of Catholic Education, the Archives, the Chancellor, the Permanent Diaconate office, the Development and Peace office, the Native Ministry office, and the Development Office. It is located at:
Physical: 1222 Reaume Street
Thunder Bay, Ontario
(807) 343-9313, Fax: (807) 343-9114
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 10400
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 6T8
Office Hours (Monday to Friday)
Summer Hours: 8:00 to 4:00 (Updated: June 2024)- Winter Hours: 8:30 to 4:30. (Updated: September, 2024)
- Closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:00 every day.
- 4 Seasons Gift Shop Open during regular hours.
People may leave a message on our answering machine after hours or during lunch time.
Pastoral Centre Contacts
Diocesan Administrator (July 2024): Fr. Joseph Arockiam, JCL
Vicar General: Msgr. Pat Stilla, JCL, VG (St. Patrick's Cathedral)
Judical Vicar: Msgr. Pat Stilla, JCL, VG (St. Patrick's Cathedral)
Chancellor: Fr. Joseph Arockiam, JCL
Director of Personnel / Executive Secretary: Susan Nistico
Marriage Tribunal: Fr. Joseph Arockiam, J.C.L.
Notary: Katelin Legros
Bishop's Diocesan Ministry Campaign: Susan Nistico
DOORS Office: Sarah Qeer
Adult Faith, Library: Hannah Hay
Office of Worship:
Vocations Director: Rev. Michael Mahoney
St. Andrew's Cemetery:
Development and Peace: Marlene Pavletic
Financial Officer: Debbie Keating
Indigenous Ministries: Fr. Gerald McDougall
Diaconate Program: Rev. Mr. Larry Kurec
Youth Office:
Maintenance: Donald Rogers
Webmaster: Stewart Rathje
Commissions and Services
Anemki-Wadj Anameogamik Spiritual Centre: Penny Fitzpatrick
Catholic Action Centre: Rev. Mr. Frank Beck
Marriage Preparation: Contact Your Personal Parish
Catholic Women's League: Cathy Carlino
Charismatic Prayer Groups: Sandra Debesys
Cursillo: Reino Pitkanen
Development and Peace: Marlene Pavletic
Diocesan Newsletter: Katelin Legros
Knights of Columbus: Mike Meady
Serena: Rev. Mr. Dennis & Mary Jo McDermott
Diocese Sexual Abuse Committee: Rev. James Panikulam
Religious Communities
Religious Orders:
- Order of St. Augustine (OSA)
- Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy (SMMM)
- Society of Jesus/Jesuits (S.J.)
- Sisters of St. Joseph (Sault Ste. Marie)
Secular Orders:
- Discalced Carmelite Secular Order (OCDS) - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community of Thunder Bay
St. Ignatius High School: Joanna Lacaria
St. Patrick High School: Kimberly & Tanner Coursolle
St. Thomas Aquinas High School: Dean Woodbeck
Northwest Catholic District School Board: Michael Nerino
Thunder Bay Correctional Centre: Rev. Jeff Andrews
Rev. Joseph Arockiam
Rev. Luigi Filippini
Rev. Ciaràn Donnelly
Rev. Michael Mahoney
Rev. James Panikulam
Rev. Msgr. P.M. Stilla, VG
Rev. Terence Sawchuk - Eastern Region
Rev. Msgr. P.M. Stilla, VG - Central Region
Rev. Alan Campeau - Western Region
Rev. Joseph Arockiam
Rev. Francisco Blazek
Rev. Alan Campeau
Rev. Luigi Filippini
Rev. Berchman Francis
Rev. Michael Mahoney
Rev. Terence Sawchuk
Rev. Msgr. P.M. Stilla, VG
John Cyr
Rev. Ciaràn Donnelly
Rosalie Douglas
Rev. Msgr. P.M. Stilla, VG
Claude Perrier