Easter Message 2023 – “On Easter Morning…”

Diocese of Thunder Bay Crest

“On Easter morning, the children….”

Easter Message 2023 (Official PDF)

On Easter morning, the children will run looking for any hidden chocolate eggs, mothers and fathers will wish each other ‘Happy Easter’ and many will attend Church services to hear once again the famous Easter story of Jesus risen from the dead. Choirs will sing: “Jesus Christ is risen today!” and the mood will be uplifting with the joyful word “Alleluia”. For some people, the telling of this good news will be familiar, for others it will be a yearly experience knowing that in spite of all the distress in our world, at least Easter can give us some hope. The hope that we share is that Christ the Lord has won something for us. By His death and resurrection He has won us life. And through His rising, He has set us free, free from sin and free from eternal death. We are assured in our belief that the Lord has prepared a place for us in His kingdom and that Easter tells us we will follow Him with grace and joy to that place.

The celebration of Easter will not take away the burdens and troubles that touch us in our daily journey of life. The celebration reminds us that even in the midst of struggles and challenging situations, there is a cause for hope. The suffering of Jesus, a sign of God’s great love for us, helps us to identify our suffering, and to know that it is not in vain, but linked to the Lord Jesus. Any suffering we endure brings us victory in the end.

We pray this Easter especially for peace in our world and that leaders will work for peace, justice and fairness for all peoples in their lands. We pray especially for an end of the war in Ukraine. The conflicts that continually darken our news broadcasts and the violence and injustices that mark so many areas of conflict in our societies, urge us to pray for peace during the Easter season. We also pray for those who are struggling with burdens of unemployment, family conflict, Covid issues, estrangement, poverty and loneliness. As a people of hope who rejoice in the new life Christ has won for us, we are obligated to reach out to others with the compassion of Jesus the Risen Lord, and to carry on His work of redemption.

Easter is more than lilies, chocolate bunnies and family meals, it is a challenge for each of us to deepen our relationship with Jesus through our prayer; it is a challenge for us to deepen our family love and concern through reconciliation; it is a challenge for us to recognize that we are linked through Christ to others in our world; especially to the poor, whom we call our brothers and sisters. May the joy of this season and the grace of God help us to respond to our Easter challenges with the heart and mind of Christ Himself.

Most Rev. Fred J. Colli Bishop of Thunder Bay