Pentecost Vigil with Pope Francis – Previously Recorded Video

At Pentecost 2019, Pope Francis launched the new unique service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: CHARIS.
Today, one year later, we are in a period of unprecedented global crisis because of a virus that has confined a large part of the world’s population to their homes, that has damaged the economies of many countries, that has closed churches, that has terrible consequences for the poor and the most destitute and that prevents us from meeting physically to pray together.
But this virus does not prevent us from praying! On the contrary, it has prompted many prayer initiatives, including ecumenical prayers, around the world.
On the occasion of Pentecost 2020, CHARIS proposes to continue this movement of prayer to ask the Lord for this new Pentecost, this new outpouring of the Spirit on the Church and the world for which our Pope prays.