Pope Francis August Prayer Intention
Below is a reflection on the Pope’s Prayer Intention for August 2020 – The Maritime World: We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families.
The beauty of the sunrise took my breath away. A tall fishing vessel glided over the horizon as it approached the shore. A little while later it yielded up its harvest of 153 beautiful fish. Despite the catch, the nets were not broken. (John 21:11) Fishermen had breakfast on the seashore and gave thanks for the labor of the night.
Sadly, for many a different story unfolds. Inclement weather, poor quality boats and ever changing legislation cripples the fishing industry plunging the families of these good men into poverty and distress. Man’s abuse of creation pollutes the oceans – the seabed is poisoned, fish die.
On some occasions fishing trawlers are captured by human traffickers – the soul of man bleeds as victims endure all forms of abuse and the God of all creation fills the sea with his tears.
Our world cries out for healing and renewal. May we place our hand into the hand of the God who calmed the seas that his beautiful gift of creation may be restored and all whose lives depend on the fruits of the ocean be protected, this day and always. As one, may we rejoice and give thanks. Amen.
Siobhán O’Keeffe S.H.J.M
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Ireland)