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Pastoral Letter to Young People

Letter from the Catholic Bishops to Young People

December 12, 2022

Dear young people, God loves you! No matter what is happening in your life, you are at all times loved by a God who is with you always and wants you to flourish and be happy.

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Walking Together Logo - Pope Francis

Papal Visit to Canada (Local Event)

July 11, 2022

Pope Francis will arrive in Canada on Sunday July 24th. Please pray for his visit and his safe arrival and journey to Canada. The Catholic Pastoral Centre hall will invite those wishing to see some of the events of the Pope’s visit. We will view his opening visit with Indigenous peoples on Monday July 25th at 12 noon. His Mass in Edmonton on Tuesday July 26th at 12:15 pm. and his visit with Indigenous peoples at 7 pm. We will see his Mass in Quebec at 10 am. on Thursday July 28th, and his visit with Indigenous peoples of Eastern Canada at 10:45 am. Friday July 29th. Our hall capacity is limited to 80 people so we will accommodate those who come first. Monday (July 25th, 2022) –…

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