Media Centre
Brother Casey, Breaking in the Habit
Informative Youtube Channel titled Breaking in the Habit about Br. Casey.
Adult Faith Office Christmas Items
The Adult Faith Formation Office will be OPEN from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on the following Saturdays to allow you to come in and browse the many Items we have available here. Adult Faith Formation Office Extended Hours Poster
Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People
We the Synod Fathers now address you, young people of the world, with a word of hope, trust and consolation.
Pastoral Centre Open House
On Thursday September the 20th, the Diocese held an open house to allow visitors to tour the various ministry offices and meet with staff.
Reel Review with Fr. Luigi – September 2018
What is the message of this movie? Hannah’s difficult birth brings us to step onto the stage and find out what is going on.
Understanding Scripture, Series 7 – Session 3
Msgr. Stilla Presents three talks on how to understand and Interpret Scripture. Presented by the Adult Faith Office of The Diocese of Thunder Bay.
Understanding Scripture, Series 7 – Session 2
Msgr. Stilla Presents three talks on how to understand and Interpret Scripture. Presented by the Adult Faith Office of The Diocese of Thunder Bay.
Understanding Scripture, Series 7 – Session 1
Msgr. Stilla Presents three talks on how to understand and Interpret Scripture. Presented by the Adult Faith Office of The Diocese of Thunder Bay.